So, while Jay was at work yesterday, my car was parked at the Gateway (since this is where Jay works) in Fidelity's employee lot and some STUPID kids attempted to use a screwdriver to break into my car. When that didn't work, they threw a rock through my back windshield and stole Jamison's DVD player which probably contained one or more Baby Einstein DVD's. We got to keep both the rock and the screwdriver (isn't that nice?) since they were left in my car.

My entire back seat (including Jamison's car seat) are currently filled with millions of tiny shards of broken glass. There was another car broken into as well and they apparantly had more time to spend on that one. They kicked in all their doors and really cleaned out their car. Someone happened to come accross this situation and called the police so the kids took off and left some of the stuff they were trying to steal behind. Jay was called down to fill out a police report and while he was down there, the STUPID kids came back to try to reclaim some of the stuff they dropped so they were caught. So, we did end up getting our DVD player back. Unfortunately, that does nothing for us as far as my car is concerned. And this is what really makes me angry. They have all 3 kids who did this to my car. 2 of them are in jail right now and the other one was only 13 so he's probably home playing a stolen Xbox or something. All 3 will probably be fined or something so the state will get some money for this. We got a police report so that we can file a claim on our insurance (meaning WE have to pay the deductable and our insurance rates will go up). They will not even give us the names of the people who did this to us. This is SOOOO unfair!!! I could understand if they never caught the guys; that's why we have insurance, but they have the people who did this. I think they should HAVE to pay for my car!!! I am so mad about this whole situation. Any tips?
K, enough ranting (I don't think I deal well with stress while pregnant!). Perhaps Jay and I should look into public transportation...
Holy cow I can not believe this, that is crazy i would be so pissed. I can't believe they wont tell you who did this and make them pay for it some how, i think charges need to be pressed on that freakin 13 year old. Anyways I am so sorry I would just feel so violated.
I am SO sorry Janeal. Can you press charges? They should have to give you the name of who did so you could file a civil law suit if you wanted - shouldn't they? I clearly don't know how this stuff works, but it is definitely very unfair. What about their parents? If they are under 18, their parents should be responsible for the financial aspect - granted, I am sure they have no money and don't care where their kids are if they raised them to think that this was okay. I am SO sorry. BTW - Why doesn't Jay ride the train? It takes him right to his office door, and there are no stops in between, so it would go even faster than the freeway. (minus the wait time at the station!) And - I think a monthly pass is somewhere around $140, so you would have to see if that was worth it!
Have faith in Karma! I work with your husband and was sitting there when he got the news. I am so so sorry.. the good news is they are caught, so find SOME comfort in that. One more thing, as far as bad luck.. You have a beautiful family.. and bad things happen to good people.. you must be good people! :) See what the courts will allow you to do.. ask that the under age brat have to write you a letter every week for the next 5 years apologizing.. its a good punishment and constant reminder of his bad decision. Sorry this happend to you.
That is horrible! I want to say stupid kids, but I'm just as annoyed at the government! Seriously you shouldn't have to worry about paying and taking care of this mess! I'm so sorry, that is the last thing you want to be concerned with.
I'm so sorry that happened to you guys.
Hey JaNeal I thought you'd love this blog. I think these are adorable!!!
That totally sucks! In fact it's the worst! Our car was broken into and the idiots broke in through our window (the triangular shaped one) and stole what else? Our ash tray. Granted there was probably like $10 in there but did they have to take the ash tray with them? It cost $100 to fix the window and we can't even find a replacement ash tray. And since we don't have a cd or dvd player there was nothing else to steal. What idiots! But your story is way worse for sure!
Ridiculous! I can kind of understand that they won't give you the names because they are minors. I don't agree with it, but it doesn't surprise me. With that said, I think that they should act as the 'middle' man and press charges on your behalf so that you can at least be compensated for it. It should be their parent's responsibility if they are minors. They should not get off without having to pay for the damages. Punks!!
Thank you everyone for being angry with me! :) I've calmed down a bit now although I still think it's unfair. The windows on my car have all been fixed so it's driveable again and hopefully we can take it in sometime this week to get the door taken care of. Our insurance company was great and told us that it would not affect our rates so that made me feel a little better. I'll keep you all updated if we actually get to find out anymore information about it.
Natalie, I'm sorry your car was broken into too! Especially for an ash tray... People are idiots!
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