10 YEARS!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We've been married 10 WHOLE YEARS!!!!! I can't believe I've been married that long, it sort of makes me feel old. I realize this post is a day late but I feel like it still counts. For the last several years (once I realized my dream of tropical getaways in January just aren't meant to be at this stage in my life), Jay and I have been trying to embrace some winter activities. We've tried tubing, snow shoeing, swimming in the 'cave' at the Homestead and last year we went skiing. Some have been more fun than others... But this year, we did the ultimate in winter activities. Shoveling. LOTS and LOTS of shoveling. Seriously, we must have had at least 2 feet of snow fall this weekend.

Here's a shot of Jay shoveling on our anniversary:

So, on my post from a year ago I asked the question, "What is my favorite date?". I tried to ask Jay this question and he actually said the previously mentioned snow shoeing date. It was a lot of fun, but I think I'm coming to realize that winter sports just aren't my thing. I really dislike being cold. I've been trying to remember some of our dates from our pre-married life but the truth is, we had sort of a strange beginning seeing as I lived in Utah and he lived in Minnesota. We did a lot of fun things during that time though. We hiked to the top of a mountain overlooking a little city in Spain, explored European castles, camped on the beach next to the ocean in Corpus Christi, walked the Riverwalk in San Antonio and I introduced Jay to Vegas for the first time. Then I moved to Minnesota and later he moved to Utah and dates went from drinking coffee in Madrid to dinner at Olive Garden and a movie. Still fun...

But my favorite 'date' that I've had with Jay probably wouldn't be considered a date by most people. It was about 4 years ago and with two kids, any outing without them is considered a date to us. Whether we're shopping at Costco or eating at The Melting Pot (which we did last night on our anniversary in between the shoveling). My favorite date was our first Ragnar back in June of 2009. Not very romantic I know (we were in my van with 4 complete strangers for a good 30 hours), but it was so much FUN and one of my favorite things we've done together. And ever since then, a common date for us (well, as common as ANY date is) is to go running together. And then out to eat. I also love food and even though Jay and I disagree on the place Mexican food has in our lives, he's usually a good sport about going to Mexican restaurants.... even if he does order a hamburger when we're there.

So, what is everyone's favorite date they've been on? After 10 years, we need ideas! I'm looking for something in between shoveling the driveway and touring windmills in Europe. :)

Next year... favorite vacation!