I wish I had my video camera while he was running; it was SO CUTE! So we participated in the Salt Lake Marathon 5K event (just the 5K, we did NOT run any marathons) on Saturday and had a great time. We arrived at the starting line in Liberty Park around 7am which was perfect timing for the 7:30 start time. Last year we got there around 5:30 and that really really sucked. Jamison was so enthralled by the thousands of people and the pond with the ducks in it that he forgot to care about the fact that he was in a stroller. We got to run (well walk really) down State Street, 4th South and various other streets in downtown Salt Lake while watching the frustrated people who were unfortunate enough to be driving around down there. Police motorcycles were constantly driving around us sometimes while blaring their sirens which Jamison thought was great. The race ended at the Gateway and right before we got there, I took Jamison out of the stroller and let him run. And he ran. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him while yelling "Hurry mommy, hurry!". People on the sidelines were cheering him on and he was so determined to keep going. We ran all the way from the South side of the Gateway to the North side and about 20 feet before the finish line, he stopped and lifted up his hands and said "Mommy do". So mommy carried him while pushing the stroller the rest of the 20 feet accross the finish line coming in at 45 minutes and 45 seconds. Definately not my best 5K time, but for being 7 1/2 months pregnant and with a two year old, I don't think it's all that bad... Jay came in at 24 minutes 5 seconds which is a little unfair considering he hasn't run more than a mile or two in the last month. Next year, Jay's determined to run the half marathon or maybe even the full one so if you want to encourage/pressure him, feel free. I'm so amazed at some of those times the winners got. The winner of the marathon ran it in 2 hours 23 minutes which is a 5 minute 28 second mile pace. 5 minutes 28 seconds for 26 miles!!!!! That is just so amazing (and a little bit crazy) to me. Anyways, we had a great time. If anyone wants to join us next year, I highly recommend it!

One more thing about Jamison that I found a bit entertaining. He found a book in our room (GMAT for Dummies to be exact) and pointed to the picture on the front and said "Daddy, look. There's Grandma right there". I have repeatedly pointed to the picture and asked him who is that and every time he says "That's Grandma". Now, to be fair, he DOES have two grandma's so I guess we can't be sure, but I'm about 99.9% certain that he's thinking of my mom when he says this. Here is a picture of the front of the book. Now, for all of you who know my mom, I'm just wondering if any of you can also see the resemblance...
I see it - I see the resemblance! :)
I'm just impressed you did a 5k being pregnant at all. I know I sure wasn't that ambitious! But I do remember do the SLC Classic a long long time ago... Way to go!
Natalie, that's right! We did it together, remember? And we got a free Jazz ticket for finishing! :)
I totally remember doing the SLC Classic together. I think I still wear the shirt to bed sometimes. lol Those were good times. I just came across a bunch of old pictures from track and cross country. Fun stuff. And Charlie did last for the whole Wizards game - he even took a nap on my lap! And he only cried when the cheering got super loud. lol
That is so funny. I was walking down the aisle at Barnes and Noble and I stopped in my tracks when I saw this book because the person reminded me of someone. At first I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but then it came to me. It was your mom!! Splitting' image. No, i'm kidding. That is hilarious though. Good job on the race-you are an amazing woman!
Oh my, finally your blog let me comment. Yeah that book with the picture of your mom is hilarious hehehe that is so funny that jamison said that, he is so cute!
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