Stealth Secret Sound Amplifier

Improve your hearing - and enhance your image!
If a conventional hearing aid sounds like an embarrassment to you, try the Stealth Secret Sound Amplifier. It looks just like a cell phone ear adapter and works as a sound enhancer so you can join conversations and even hear soft voices from 50 feet away. Now you can enjoy the best of both worlds: a more youthful appearance and better hearing. Comes with charger (no batteries to replace) and three ear tips.
Is this a joke??? Maybe I'm biased, but I didn't realize that a hearing aid was thought of as an 'embarrassment'. Nor did I realize that having a giant bluetooth device hanging off your ear is considered 'cool' and 'youthful'. Especially when it has no actual bluetooth capabilities... Would people honestly walk around all day with one of these on just to avoid wearing a hearing aid??? Okay, so I can see how some cruel kids may one day make fun of my little boy for wearing hearing aids (like 4-eyes for glasses), but seriously, the man in this picture looks at least in his 60's. I'd think people would have grown out of that childish behavior by then. And besides, look at my handsome little man proudly sporting his hearing aids; I hope he never feels like he needs to hide them by using a product like this!

That is totally stupid, I cannot believe they would say it like that. Hearing aids are a necessity and there is nothing wrong with them at all. Its sad that the world is so worldly and worry about apperances so much. Jamison is one handsome little boy!
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