3rd Time's a Charm...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, it looks like we'll be trying a third time to see this little girl. This time she only had one arm and one leg blocking her face, but she also was hiding behind other things so we still could not get a look at her face. She's a very active little baby so anytime she did happen to move into a good position it was literally for less than half a second. She is still in a breech position so I think that's making it easier for her to hide. Hopefully she'll turn around or something so we can actually get a look at her next time (which will be our last attempt). I am so happy that Fetal Fotos is being so great about having us come back and try again. I'll try to post a picture of her hands/feet tomorrow since that's all we have so far, but otherwise, check back next Friday after we try again. Anybody know of anything I can eat or drink that will calm the baby down for her appointment?

In other news, we have officially become a minivan family. We are the proud new owners of a 2004 Toyota Sienna and so far I love it! I never thought I'd be a minivan driver, but they really are very convenient. And Jamison really likes it so that's all that counts, right? Actually Kody got to ride in it today too and he seemed to enjoy himself as well. Speaking of Kody, the vet today told him that he is too fat. Since we've had Jamison, Kody's gained about 16 lbs which is a LOT for a dog. And most of that has been in the last year. So, our goal for Kody is to have him lose a bit of weight this summer. Jay's going to take him running with him to get him some exercise and Jamison's going to have to limit himself to only feeding Kody twice a day. I think Kody will actually appreciate getting out a bit more as he's been a bit neglected lately.

All right, everyone wish us luck for our next attempt at the ultrasound! : )


Mills Family said...

I can't believe you guys broke down and got a minivan hehehe that is hilarious. Did you sale your car or the durango?
Okay well a 3rd time has to be a charm, k i can't wait to see what she kind of looks like.

Any names yet?

Natalie said...

That's funny about the minivan. Our last rental car was a minivan and I decided that I totally want one. I never ever thought I would admit that but it was so roomy and nice! I'm proud of you for making the jump. And good luck with your next photoshoot. I'd love to see some pics!

janeal said...

Mickele, we stil have both my car and the Durango for now. And I'll show you my new minivan tonight! :) No names yet.... I've actually come up with a few I like, but Jay doesn't like them. We've come up with a couple names that we both don't think are too terrible, but I was hoping to name any children I might have names that I actually really want, not just ones I'm okay with. So we're still looking... Natalie, you should become a minivan family too! They are so roomy. Jay's even starting to come around about them. :)