We finally saw her!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Baby Girl finally cooperated with us this morning and we were able to get some pictures! :) Apparantly she's flipped over so she was in a much better position to show her little face to us. Also, she appeared to be asleep (or close to it) so that made it a little easier to focus in on her. The past two times she was so active that anytime we could get a good look at her, it was gone before we knew it. Anyways, I am pretty happy that we actually got to see her and got some pictures. I've posted them all in the 'Pictures' section, but here's a couple of them:

Also, since both my sister in law (Tracy) and my aunt (Sandy) have requested to see a picture of the pregnant me, here's a picture of me taken just today at 29 weeks:

And of course, I can't leave out my sweet little boy. I've posted a bunch of new pictures of him in the 'Pictures' section, but this is him proudly showing off his newly colored Easter eggs. He had so much fun coloring them last weekend!

Jamison's all caught up!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One year ago, Jamison's pediatrician suggested that we take Jamison to Early Intervention because he seemed behind with both his language and receptive skills. We took him and at 18 months old, he was evaluated at about a 12 month old level. He then joined the PIP program for the Utah School For the Deaf which is a wonderful program, by the way, and as of yesterday, one year later, he was evaluated at about a 34-36 month level!!! So, he's made almost two years of progress in one year! Way to go Jamison! :)

And I think that the pregnancy is once again affecting my actions. About 3 days ago, I made Jamison some corn for dinner. It was just corn from a can, so I put the remainder of the can into a tupperware container and put it in the fridge. 2 days later, Jamison told me he wanted corn for dinner, so I went to get the corn out of the fridge and couldn't find it anywhere. I realized that Jay must have decided to take it with him for lunch or something although that seemed a little odd for him. So when Jay got home, I asked him if he knew where Jamison's corn was and he said he had no idea. I distinctly remember putting it into the tupperware container so I know I didn't accidently throw it away. We both came to the conclusion that I must have forgotten to put the container into the fridge which means that probably Kody grabbed it and took it outside. Well, this morning I opened up the cupboard to get a new tupperware container for my lunch and I immediately smelled corn. I looked and sure enough, there was Jamison's corn nicely put away in a container in the cupboard with all the rest of the tupperware. I guess I put it in the wrong place.... :)

3rd Time's a Charm...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, it looks like we'll be trying a third time to see this little girl. This time she only had one arm and one leg blocking her face, but she also was hiding behind other things so we still could not get a look at her face. She's a very active little baby so anytime she did happen to move into a good position it was literally for less than half a second. She is still in a breech position so I think that's making it easier for her to hide. Hopefully she'll turn around or something so we can actually get a look at her next time (which will be our last attempt). I am so happy that Fetal Fotos is being so great about having us come back and try again. I'll try to post a picture of her hands/feet tomorrow since that's all we have so far, but otherwise, check back next Friday after we try again. Anybody know of anything I can eat or drink that will calm the baby down for her appointment?

In other news, we have officially become a minivan family. We are the proud new owners of a 2004 Toyota Sienna and so far I love it! I never thought I'd be a minivan driver, but they really are very convenient. And Jamison really likes it so that's all that counts, right? Actually Kody got to ride in it today too and he seemed to enjoy himself as well. Speaking of Kody, the vet today told him that he is too fat. Since we've had Jamison, Kody's gained about 16 lbs which is a LOT for a dog. And most of that has been in the last year. So, our goal for Kody is to have him lose a bit of weight this summer. Jay's going to take him running with him to get him some exercise and Jamison's going to have to limit himself to only feeding Kody twice a day. I think Kody will actually appreciate getting out a bit more as he's been a bit neglected lately.

All right, everyone wish us luck for our next attempt at the ultrasound! : )

Baby Update

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well, I'd hoped to have some pictures of Baby Girl to post up here, but it looks like I'll have to wait. We went to Fetal Fotos Saturday afternoon and she refused to cooperate. She had every possible limb covering her face so we didn't really get to see it at all. We did, however, get a nice look at her hands and feet. We poked her and rolled me all over the place but she refused to budge. Fortunately, the people at Fetal Fotos are wonderful and gave me a return voucher to come back this Friday so we'll try it again. I asked if she could see any hair (baby was fine with showing us the back of her head), and she said that she rarely sees hair on a baby earlier than 30 weeks so she'd be surprised since I'm only 27 weeks. But she looked anyways, and sure enough, there was hair already. So that explains the massive amount of heartburn I've been experiencing (if the old wives tail is true). I can't say I'm surprised since we saw hair on Jamison at 28 weeks and he had more hair than any baby EVER! But I am a little excited that it looks like this little girl might be born with some hair too if it doesn't fall out or something before she's born. Anyways, check back Friday night and there might be some updated pictures of her. :) Jamison still thinks that he's carrying his little sister in his belly and he tried insisting on laying down on the table and getting an ultrasound done for his baby.... and yesterday he pointed out that his daddy in fact also has a baby in his belly... We have some issues to work out still apparently. :)