6 Years!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today is mine and Jay's 6 year anniversary! :) There were a few reasons that I chose January 11th for our wedding date, but one of those reasons was that I thought it would be fun to have a winter wedding with some beautiful pictures in the snow. I even had a gorgeous fur-lined cape to wear over my wedding dress for some outdoor pictures. But January 11th, 2003 turned out to be an overcast day with absolutely NO snow on the ground. But there was plenty of haze around so along with the snow missing from my pictures, the mountains are also missing. Regardless, my wedding day was one of the best days of my life. There's very little I would change about that day and I have no regrets. Well... maybe we wouldn't have stayed in the same hotel on our wedding night as Jay's entire family. It also was a little wierd flying out on our honeymoon at the same time and one gate over from Jay's family who were flying home. But other than that, it was great. I still like to watch my wedding video from time to time and I still enjoy looking at my wedding pictures. Probably because I had a LOT of work done that morning to be to get me to look like that and I'm not sure I'll ever look that good again. One of the other reasons I thought a winter wedding would be nice was that I thought it would be a great excuse to celebrate our anniversary in some sort of warm tropical place. I imagined that every year would be spent in Hawaii, Cancun, on a Carribbean cruise or somewhere else where we could escape the cold weather. But, as it turns out, we haven't even made it as far south as St. George to celebrate our anniversary. And many of the years, one or both of us have ended up sick (as we both are now with colds). Oh well, one day in the future, I'll be on a cruise for our anniversary... although at this point it's looking more like it's going to be a Disney Cruise, but that's okay, I'll take what I can get!

Anyways, I'm sure I could spend a lot of time reminiscing about my wedding or listing the reasons that I'm so happy I married Jay, but I'm not going to. I will, however, answer the #1 question I'm asked about mine and Jay's relationship... How did we meet? I get asked this ALL the time which is wierd because I rarely ask that question to anyone else. Maybe I'm just a little too self-involved or something? Or maybe people ask me because they know Jay's not a Utah-native like myself. Well, to answer anyone's question, we met at a wedding in Minnesota. Actually, we were kind of set up. My mom is from Minnesota so I have family out there. I went out there for my cousin, Emily's wedding. My other cousin, Carolyn, was dating Jay's best friend Chaz. She spent quite a bit of time talking Jay up and telling me that we really should meet. I could only imagine that they said similar things to Jay so when we actually got introduced at Emily's rehearsal, it was a little awkward. I had just started dating someone here at the time, so I really wasn't interested, but as soon as we were introduced, it was love at first sight..... Okay, so that's not true at all. It was awkward being introduced to someone who I thought might be interested in me since I knew I was not interested in him, but Jay shook my hand and promptly ignored me for the rest of the night. It even seemed like he made a special effort to not sit by me at the rehearsal dinner. Despite my attempts at flirting, it appeared that my worries about having to 'let him down gently' were all for nothing. So I tried harder. And we've been together ever since. :)

So, for anyone who is reading this (still) and is married, please comment and let me know how you all met your spouses. And Jay, if you read this, HAPPY 6 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! Next year, I'll answer the 2nd most asked question of me and Jay: How does he put up with me? :)


The Estes Family said...

congrats on 6 years!! My Jay and I met in Price he was on a baseball scholarship down there and I was working to save to start school. I actually waited on him and alot of his family at JB's in Price and then he asked one of the other baseball players how to find me!!

Anonymous said...

Tiana and I actually first met at a Motorcycle Desert race as her brother(Ryan)and I became friends years before from riding bikes. I had not gone to a desert race in many years and I didn't know they would be there but i ended up running into Ryan and went over to hang out in there motorhome. Tiana was in the motorhome and Ryan introduced us. We both went to Davis High she was a 88'grad me a 89'grad. Anyways that was all that was said since Ryan and I were checking out a couple hotties parked next to them. Jump about 5 or so years later and Ryan his brother Todd and I are in Rupert Idaho for a Motocross race over the weekend. Ryan and I were in the same class so there was a lot of talk and mind games trying to get the upper hand on the other. On Sunday Ryan's family(Mom, Dad, Brent and Kristi)came up to see us race. I took notice of both the Jenkins girls and while waiting for the gate to drop for our race I asked Ryan for his sisters phone number. He said which one, I said both and if I win I can have them. Well I won and told him I wanted Tiana's number. That was end of July 2000 we were Engaged November 5, 2000, Married Febuary 10, 2001. The kicker of the story is my mother had told me for years that i need to go to church to meet a nice girl and get married instead of racing on Sundays. Well i met the girl of my dreams on a Sunday in Ruper Idaho racing my Motorcycle. Mom is fine now with all the racing i did on Sundays.

Mills Family said...

You are too funny, I can't believe that is not the #1 question how does he put up with you, that is definitley my #1 question, how does pat put up with me hehehe.
Anyways pat and I met at work, he was such a flirt and I flirted back just in fun, but I was dating someone else and he was older so I was like yeah not going to happen, but he kept the flirting up and I became interested and here we are today 4 years almost married and almost 9 years together....Crazy!, and ppl said it wouldn't last cuz of the age difference, I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

Natalie said...

Congrats on 6 years. We just hit that mark last month. I love your "how we met" story. That's the JaNeal I remember. :) Adam and I met when my family moved into his family's ward my senior year of high school. Even though I thought he was cute we didn't really talk before I went away to Snow College. Then his mom told my mom Adam thought I was cute. Before I made it home again he left on a mission to Singapore. So the next time I visited I asked his mom (who I'd never even talked to before) for his address and started writing him. We wrote a few times on his mission and when he came we started hanging out. Before long we were dating and then engaged!

Josh and Jaime said...

JaNeal, I love reading your blog periodicly. It always makes me smile. Josh and I aren't married, so I dont know if you want our story, but Ill tell you anyway. We met when he was 17 and I was 16, the end of 96. He lived in Sandy and I centerville. I worked at Lagoon with a friend of his. We ran into eachother at the mall and the friend introduced us. We both really liked eachother but I had a long distance boyfriend (a whole other story) who I had problems breaking up with. Josh grew bored of driving an hour everyday to see a girl who had a boyfriend so we quit talking. Nine years later (begining 2006) I found him on myspace, of all places and we've been together ever since. Wow, that was long. Ive never typed it before :)

Letters-2-Lily said...

Congrats on 6 years!! Josh and I met over the internet on a dating website. He sent me an email that just said hi. I was like how lame is he, but I thought it would be funny to just say hi back so I did. Then he found out where I worked and stopped in and from that day on we have only been apart one full day!!

janeal said...

Yay, I love reading all of your guys stories! Thanks for posting! :)

The Bawden Bunch said...

Congratulations on 6 years...these days that is quite an accomplishment! Here is how Shane & I met...
I worked with Carol (mom) and Mickele (sister) for a few years. He was set up with one of my friends and they dated for a couple months before he left to work on the cruise ship for the 2nd time. Well it was coming up on his 21st birthday and, well there's 2 stories to this but shane says she called him and she says he called her...either way, shane ended up inviting her and her friends (which included me) to his 21st bday party. Well she was dating someone and was pretty happy with her new man and when we went there and I saw Shane...I thought he was HOT! Well, we (me and my friends) drank and hung out for a bit and were leaving to go to the bar. On our way out I said goodbye to Shane but I felt bad that it was his bday and I didnt bring anything for him. I saw that he was drinking White Russians so I told him I had some homemade Kaluha and I would give that to him for his bday. I rattled off my # and left. Well a couple days late his Mickele called me to talk about him and what I thought about him calling me...she got my # from him (he remembered my #). I wanted to get to know him better so I told her to have him call me...he called me and we went on a date on his actual 21st bday...his treat too! Well, remember my friend I mentioned? She wasnt to happy about us dating so she asked me to stop so I decided my friendship was more important than a guy so I stopped seeing Shane. About 2 months went by and Me and another friend went to the Westerner and I ran into Mickele & Mindy and Shane was there too. I really liked him A LOT so I decided my friendship could make it through this since she was happy with her man and that it was my turn to be happy. Well, our friendship did not make it but here Shane and I are 9 years later...happliy married with a 1yr old adorable baby boy. I am so happy I chose Shane over my friend!

The Bawden Bunch said...

I win for the longest story!!!

Jackie Johnson said...

All thsee stories are SO cute! Mine is SO borring in comparison! Oh well, here goes: I had a good friend Jonny. Greg and Jonny started working together, so one day they decided to hang out. Being boys and having nothing to do, they came over and 'stopped' by to visit me. On the way, they ran into Greg's cousin at the gas station; his cousin who happened to be a very attractive girl that Jonny thought was cute. So, by the time Jonny came to my house (with Greg, to my surprise); the first thing he said to me was this, "Jackie - this is Greg. He has a really hot cousin that I want to ask out for Saturday night, so you need to double with us". I looked at Greg, thought it was odd and said, No way. So I technically rejected him before meeting him! ;) Anyway, he ended up being kind of funny that night, and apparently he thought I was very cute, so he asked Jonny to hang out again hoping to see me. A couple days later we saw each other at Jonny's house. Then Saturday rolled around and he called me and said, "So, am I picking you up at 7 for our date?" I told him that I specifically remember turning down that date, but hey, a girl's got to eat - right? So, I went and here were are; almost 6 yrs married later (and about 3 dating years in there)!

skeeterandjenn said...

Congrats on your 6 years. Vern and I just had our 6 years in December. I too wanted the winter wedding, only I wanted the christmas wedding. It was perfect with the trees and decorations, but I have to agree w winter wedding was not the best idea. We are so close to Christmas that anniversaries always get the backseat. :) So Vern and I met at work, IRS, We worked side by side for 8 months, I was getting divorced and he lived with a woman and her 3 kids. We hit it off, I said I would not be the other woman, he moved out that night, oops I'm a homewrecker! :) So our first date was July 4th and we got engaged July 11th! 7 days later, the married in December! People thought we rushed and were crazy but, I have never been more sure of something! So 6 years later we are still just as sappy for each other as we were back then!

Okay enough about me....Congrats to you and Jay! I wish you many many more happy years together!

All About M.E.('s) said...

I somehow missed this post?? Anyway, I remember your wedding day well. I loved your cape and you looked beautiful-you always do! So, congrats, albeit a couple of weeks late, on 6 years of wedded bliss.
TO answer your question, Marty and I met at work. We were both dating other people when we met, so we were just friends for awhile and then it turned into romance!! Oooo la la.

Darby said...

Congrats on 6 years! Rob and I met at the U (as you know). We met at the SCI lab. I actually set him up with a friend from my church, a friend from school, and even my sister at one time. Eventually I smartened up and snagged him myself. Let me know how that Disney cruise is =)

Staci said...

I just looked at the cute pictures of the kids! Did you ever get my voicemail? I need to bring you your key and I would love to drop by and see the kiddos! I can't believe how big Gianna is getting! I miss that girl!