So a couple of months ago, I had to go out of town for work. While I was gone, Jay and Jamison made some popcorn to eat. Jamison found an unpopped kernel of popcorn and told Jay that it was a seed and that they should plant it and grow some new popcorn. Rather than tell our son the truth, Jay said 'sure' and got him a little cup and some dirt from our backyard and they planted the popcorn kernel, watered it and put it in the window to get some sun. Well, about a week later, a stupid weed grew in Jamison's cup. Jamison was SO excited that his 'popcorn plant' was growing and he took his popcorn-watering duties very seriously. And how can we tell him NOW that his daddy lied to him and that there was never a possibility of that weed turning into popcorn? Meanwhile, the weeds in my yard are running amok and here I am growing one in my kitchen. After a few weeks of taking care of his popcorn plant, Jamison decided that to get some popcorn growing, he needed to transplant it outside. So he did. We actually went outside and found like the only spot that didn't already have a weed growing in it and planted his weed in that spot. He goes outside every day and waters it and fortunately does not seem too concerned that the whole popcorn thing hasn't happened yet. And did I mention that I blame Jay for all of this.... :)
That is hilarious, well when that day comes to tell jamison the truth you better make Jay do it since he was the one that started it all hehehe!
But hey who knew a popcorn seed could grow a weed LOL!
I think you need to go and get a packet of corn seeds. The funny thing is they are the fastest sprouting things in the whole world. Hurry now!
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