1) I said that one day I would be spending my anniversary on a cruise. Well, it's not exactly on our anniversary, but 2 weeks from now, we will be on our first ever cruise!!!! To the Bahamas! I am really excited. It's been a LONG time since I've been on a vacation like that and going somewhere tropical during this crappy weather is EXACTLY what I had in mind when I chose January for our wedding date.
2) Last year I answered the question I get asked the most, 'How did Jay and I meet?'. I also said that this year I'd answer the question 'How does Jay put up with me?'. Well, when I said that, I thought I was joking. Either that, or I'd have a whole year to come up with a brilliant romantic answer. Turns out neither of those is true.
So, anyone who knows me knows that I spend a lot of time stressed out. I would say that several times per week I lose something that is usually kind of important to me. My purse, my wallet, my keys, my phone, etc. Let me tell you, that's not fun. I'm also a bit forgetful and I get sidetracked VERY easily. When I first moved out to Minnesota, Jay came out to help me drive me and all my stuff out there. This was only our 4th time seeing each other and the morning we were supposed to leave, I discovered I lost my wallet. We searched for it. A lot. For a very long time. My car was packed (and at one point even running ready to go). Several hours later, we found it wedged between my door and the driver side seat (and we'd searched the car many times by this point). This was just the start of Jay having to deal with the chaos that somehow just seems to follow me. I can't tell you how many times I've called Jay in an absolute panic because I've lost my wallet (both at home and while traveling), lost my rental car keys, my suitcase, and many other things. Jay has learned that he should not be surprised when cops stop by our house to return my purse that they found in a park or if I call and tell him I'm on my way home but then take 2 hours to get there. In Minnesota I even lost my car keys in the snow outside his apartment in November and found them again in March when the snow melted! They were rusted... So, just how and why does he put up with me??? Well, to be honest, the only thing I can think of is that for 6 months we dated long distance. Either I didn't waste my time talking to him about the various things I had misplaced, or because he was so far away, it probably didn't have the same effect. By the time he learned all these things about me, it was too late and he was already 'hooked'. :)
Happy Anniversary Jay!!!! I love you and am so glad you 'put up with me' for 7 years now! :)
Oh, almost forgot... K for next year... 'Why do I put up with him?'
I vote new question for next year. I can already answer "why do I put up with Jay".
1. He makes you coffee every morning and brings it to you while you take a bath that he got up and got your bath ready for you. While you bath, he gets the kids (or at least one of them) ready for school.
2. If you even half-way hint at ANYTHING you want, you have it within a matter of days. I-Phone (cause it would make work easier), expensive sunglasses (cause you borrowed mine and they were so much nicer), Kindle (because the I-Phone app isn't quite up to par), oh the list goes on and on and on. One seriously spoiled girl!
3. He is extremely laid back which balances out your very stressed out self.
4. He is taking you on a cruise for your 30th birthday because you were depressed about turning 30.
5. The fact that you joke about him being an 'absent' father is because he is busy getting his master's degree - for the better of his family!
6. The fact that he is such a good dad that my little Addie actually likes him, and he is the only male (besides Daddy) that she likes!
7. The list goes on and on....
I DEMAND a new question for next year! Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!!!!!
Hey now!!! In my defense, I actually get both kids ready for school while Jay cooks me breakfast... hmmm... that didn't come across as a good defense... Yeah, I know, I'm spoiled!!! What can I say? How about this, in my defense, he knew what he was getting into (well, for the most part...)!!! K, I'll think of a new question for next year. :)
Janeal you are a spoiled brat holy cow who knew he did all that for you in the morning what a hell of a guy, Man I thought I was spoiled with pat and the things that he does for me but I am going to have to have him take tips from Jay hehehe.
Anyways Janeal you are hilarious and seriously I don't think jay would want to change you because you make life and your marriage probalby very interesting and keep things alive hehehe their is never a dull moment when it comes to you that is why we all love ya you are one of a kind and so cute.
Anyways happy 7 years and to another 7 great years. those pics are so cute I love the jumping one where are you guys?
Awww, great post. And, great addendum Jackie. I concur, Jay spoils you. He actually draws your bath? Wow!
Your blog always makes me laugh, you are a good writer. You should do it more often :)!
Anyway, good luck with the seven-year-itch. If Jay keeps drawing your bath and brewing your coffee and making your breakfast, I bet you'll make it through just fine! Happy Anniversary Jay and Janeal.
Mickele, we went hiking up Little Cottonwood Canyon right before it turned cold, it was fun. So pretty! I made Jay jump off that log with me like 5 times in order to get a decent picture! :)
Awwww... Happy 7th anniversary! What a cute little family you have. And I agree with Jackie, you are so spoiled!!!! My breakfast consists of toast (that I make myself) that I eat on the way to work. However Jonathan did make me a pretty amazing dinner last night. And cute pictures! I hade to make the jumping one a little bigger to figure out what was on your face! lol. Tell Jay happy anniversary too.
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