She is actually sitting up on her own, although she tips over easily. Strangely, she doesn't care much for rolling over, but she can sit. I feel like she's close to getting a tooth. She bites on everything and drools quite a bit sometimes.
She also experienced her very first Presidential Election (and at the same time, her first snow storm) and even got to participate in the voting process. The voting people thought she deserved her very own 'I voted' sticker.
Jamison is still enjoying school. He's learning so much and his teacher, Miss Catherine, is just great! She's been helping with his speech and Jamison can now make 'y', 'k' and 'g' sounds which have been missing from his little vocabulary. Interestingly enough, he still has his old habits so all familiar words are still missing these sounds (for example he says lellow instead of yellow), but for new words, he is learning them correctly. He also got new hearing aids since somehow his old ones broke and were not helping him too much so we sent them in for repair and ended up with brand new ones. He seems to like these better and even tries to put them on himself sometimes.

And also, my kids have a new cousin! My sister-in-law Tracy had baby Alayna Rose on 10/21/2008 weighing in at an impressive 8 lbs, 12 oz. and 21 1/2". Congratulations Tracy!!!! Isn't she cute???
If you want to check out all the pictures I've added, click on the 'Pictures' section. :)
Oh Gianna Is so freaking cute! I can't believe how old she looks in some of those pics. Wow 5 months already time flys. Anyways both your kids are darling.
I agree, she does look like a toddler in some of those pictures. Matter-of-fact, when I saw the first picture I thought I had lost my mind because she looks like she is 2 or 3-I thought I had lost track of time :). Anyway, she is so adorable. I love your kids hair. It is amazing! Jamison is adorable too!! That is good that he likes his new hearing aids and his speech is improving. Yay Jamison. ANd, congrats on the new niece. She is cute.
If I was just seeing that first picture of Gianna I would never think she was only 5 months old. That's crazy! Good thing she's still so adorable!
Wow, she totally looks older than 5 months! I love all that hair!!!
Gianna does look like a little toddler, not a 5 month old. Her hair is adorable!!!
cute kids!!!!! love the pics.
HI janeal, How are you doing? Your little girl has grown sooooooo much! She is so precious! We just got back from Utah actually! My family got to meet Tony and I finally got to see mynew Nephew Jack. Adam got married in St George so Doug and Carol, Mick,Pat and Shane and April came it was great! Well take care!!
Wow, Gianna is beautiful! She looks so big, not like a baby at all! I can't believe it! She has soooo much hair. What a cutie! Glad to hear Jamison is doing great, he is such a cutie pie! You have the prettiest babies, I swear! Ok well except for mine.
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