Here's some more pictures of little Gianna and Jamison. I finally got a picture of her and her daddy. And of her and Jamison together. He is such a good big brother. Gianna had her 2 week checkup last week and it went well. She had gained a full pound since her birth which doesn't surprise me by how often she likes to eat. The whole nursing thing is still not going as well as I'd hoped. It still is incredibly painful and due to the trouble we're having, she doesn't eat enough at each feeding which makes her want to eat again every hour and a half about. It's exhausting! Poor Jamison is really being a good boy despite the lack of attention he's been getting. He's been mostly potty trained for about 8 months now, but we haven't been able to work with him on naps or night-time yet. But I'm happy to say that for the last 3 weeks, he has not had a single accident during nap time and he's not even wearing a pull-up anymore. And he's also waking up dry in the morning a lot of the time now. I'm not brave enough to leave him in underwear overnight, but I think we're definately moving in the right direction. And he no longer needs my help at all with the process which is good since he usually has to go as soon as I start to feed Gianna. We are very proud of him. And Gianna is making progress too. She now smiles at us on purpose! :) I can't get her to do it enough to get a picture yet, but I'll keep trying. K, I think she's ready to eat again so I'm off. Enjoy the pictures! :)

Jamison got a little tired and fell asleep... :)
That pic of big bro and li'l sis is so adorable! Is Gianna smiling? Too cute!
Cute pictures. I agree with Kelly, it looks like Gianna is smiling with her big bro. Stick with the will get better as you both get used to it. Did you ever call a lactation consultant? Call one if you havent...I promise it will help.
She is still young, she should be eating about every hour and a half to two hours...normally they do not start holding off for 3 hours until after 1 month and closer to 2 months. Good luck!
That photo of Jamison and Gianna is so cute. I can't wait to see Gianna,in person!
she is so cute and jamison looks like such a great big brother!
Oh those pics are so cute, hey I just wanted to say thanks for coming over the other day and visiting with me while i was on bedrest, it made my day go by faster it was nice and it was fun talking to you about everything. Gianna is so freaking cute and I got to witness her little smiles they are so cute. Anyways thanks again.
oh yeah and thanks again for the bag of starbursts your cute, tell jamison thanks for picking out all the pinks and putting them in a bag for me. He is so cute!
I just love these pics! They are just the sweetest little kids! Cute Cute!
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