Lots of updates

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wow, it's really been awhile since I last updated. We've been so busy in the last month. Gianna is getting so big; she's almost 4 months now and she still is such an easy baby. Her hair is getting longer all the time! I've posted a lot of pictures in the 'Pictures' section.

I'm back to work now. So far just 3 days a week which is nice. I started back about a month ago and have already gone out of town. Fortunately, I just went to Flagstaff, Arizona so I was able to drag the whole family along with me! :) For child care, we have hired a nanny to come and take care of Jamison and Gianna on Monday's and Wednesday's. Her name is Staci and she is GREAT! Jamison absolutely loves her and tells me all about the fun they have. I'm so grateful to have her. She has a 8 month old little boy who comes along and he is such a little cutie. I think him and Gianna could end up being friends when they get old enough to notice other people in their little worlds. So far, it's all going pretty well. Since I'm still nursing Gianna, it does always cause a bit of a logistical situation sometimes, but my work has been pretty good about it (mostly because I keep them out of the loop..... it's for their own good!).

Jamison has started preschool! It is so so cute! He goes 4 days a week from about 8:30 - 1:30 and he loves it. His backpack is almost as big as he is, but he wears it proudly. He also is a very big boy and rides the bus to school. He really enjoys taking the bus. It's extremely convenient for us too since it comes right to our door to pick him up and drop him off. Since his school is about 20 minutes away, it's nice not to have to worry about transportation. It's a little wierd sometimes being home when he's not, but I love having some one on one time with Gianna so it all works out. Everyone keeps asking me if I cried the first time he went to school, but the answer is no. Maybe it's insensitive, but I've been dropping Jamison off at daycare since he was 12 weeks old so I'm pretty used to it. He's doing well with it though and seems to like his teachers and seems to like being in the 'preschool' environment again.

Well, that's probably enough for today. I promise not to let such a long time go before updating again. :)


All About M.E.('s) said...

Cute pictures. I still can't believe how much hair your kids have. It is so cute. Gianna's hair looks fabulous!
Jamison looks cute in his preschool attire. That's nice that the bus picks him up and drops him off at your house.

Mills Family said...

wow how nice is that to have to not worry about getting jamison to and from school. He is so cute with his little backpack and I can't believe how big he is getting so cute.

Natalie said...

I love his enormous backpack! Does the bus have seat belts? Is that new? I guess they just didn't care about us when we were kids, eh?

skeeterandjenn said...

I can't believe Jamison is in preschool already! He is so cute! And Gianna...WOW! She is getting so big and she's so pretty! Sounds like life is great right now!